Design: A RockQuility landscape design consists of:
A RockQuility landscape design consists of harmonizing space, line, balance, colour and texture/dimension..
Line is the way the eye is encouraged to scan and view the properties landscape. Features are emphasized, the shape of the space is defined and movement is encouraged along your visual pathway.

Space is the awareness of the environment the landscape will be created in and its surroundings
Space consists of negative and positive areas.
The landscape created is the positive area. The landscape is living the existing surroundings, the negative area.

Balance: is the awareness of elements throughout the landscape:
Careful consideration of natural elements and newly created landscape are paramount.
Keeping the property looking like it's part of its natural surroundings provides an atmosphere that says "home".

Colour creates harmony, encourages balance and provides consistency in the landscape.
RockQuility Landscapes evoke emotion and enhance mood.
The moment you return to your space, a feelining of decompressing and calmness covers you.
Texture is tactile and visual
A RockQuility landscape is meant to be touched and explored.
Surfaces have a variety of shapes and physical feel. .

A RockQuility Landscapes build is the execution of the design from site preparation through construction and post construction phase.
Site preparation includes the delivery of the final plan and budget to the customer
The schedule of construction detailing the particular aspects of the construction and their start and finish times. Attaining all materials, equipment, permits and labour to complete the plan. Construction is the building of the landscape following the design under the schedule. The post construction phase ensuring that all elements of the design are completed and the plan is met. This phase includes any inspections . The final stage is hangover to owners including budget summary, delivery of warranties and maintenance recommendations.
A RockQuility maintenance plan ensures the longevity of landscapes through active, preventative and corrective measures. These plans create healthy, clean, safe and attractive landscapes.